Highland Shredding & Removal

Contact: Dana Valeri

Phone: (978) 560-7520

Email: dana@highlandshredding.com

Website: https://www.highlandshredding.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlN6wBhCcARIsAKZvD5gBn3JnYTx3NfQhr7RKvUk4ku6LgEe9FPQnS6GLoQT9JUvX1hR7gxQaAnecEALw_wcB

Address: Woburn, MA

Company Description

“Welcome to Highland Shredding & Removal!

Whether you are a leader in your industry or municipality that is looking for a secure solution for destroying data on old documents, drives, tapes and more OR, you are an individual that needs to get space back in their home that is filling up with clutter- we have you covered.

We are proud to be a small, local business in Woburn, MA- serving the New England area and will work hard to ensure we’ll be your only Shredding or Removal vendor.”

Dana Valeri, General Manager